Thanks to Fluffkomix, i got the idea of making my own real life achievements.The bold ones, are already accomplished.Next to them you will see the date of the day i accomplished it, and how it was done.
1-Get an airsoft gun, and shoot somebody in the face. 8/7/09.I shot my best friend.
2-Beat battlezone 2, that game is too damn hard.
3-Get a girlfriend ( don't say that im a helpless, fat nerd.i already had one, a year ago)
4-Submit a flash and get a score higher than 2.50.
4B-Submit something into the portal.
5-Get involved in an epic topic that will be remembered forever.
6-Order something from the NG store.
7-Do something evil to the people on my classroom, like...
A-Sticking something in someone's ass. 7/7/09.A piece of paper.
B-Punch somebody in the face and run away, record it, and then upload it to youtube.
C-Stick a offensive Post-It in someone's back. 3/6/09.It said "$20 an hour, $40 the whole day"Got pics.
D-Sing "The great mighty poo" on the classroom.
8-Resist 2 minutes without breathing. 8/7/09. 2 minutes, 4 seconds and 16 miliseconds.
I may add more achievements.Or not.Sue me.